办公楼中国德州亚太集团有限公司是一家专业的商用中央空调和复合材料制品生产企业。 Chinese Dezhou Yatai Group Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of commercial central air conditioners and composite products. 十多年的迅猛发展,亚太集团成绩斐然:从一个当初以玻璃钢产品为主业的小厂,发展成为今天拥有70万平米生产基地、员工近3000人,年产值逾20亿元,市场遍布全国的大型生产企业,亚太品牌先后荣获“山东名牌产品”、“中国驰名商标”、“国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业”、“节能产品政府采购清单入选企业”等知名荣誉。奠定了国内暖通制冷市场的主力军地位。 Yatai Group has achieved great achievement by some ten years of fight with its might: has became a large manufacturer that owns 700,000 square meters of workshops and 3,000 of employees, its annual output is over RMB 2 billion and its market covers all the country from a small factory that only produced FRP products. Yatai brand has won a good reputation such as: “Shandong Provincial Famous Brand”, “Chinese Famous Trademark”, “Important High-tech Enterprise of National Torch Plan”, “One of the Government Selected Enterprises to Supply Energy Saving Products” and others. Thus make Yatai be a mail force in Chinese HVACR industry. 在国内市场取得成功并保持健康持续发展的基础上,我们开始着眼于提升亚太品牌在国际舞台上的综合竞争力,使亚太产品走向更广阔的国际市场领域。而美丽富足的阿拉伯地区无疑是我们拓展国际市场的绝佳区域。 We begin to pay our attention on enhancing the general competitive of Yatai products in international market based on the successful domestic market and the healthy continuous development, and let Yatai products access more world markets. 我们期待并坚信,我们与拥有远见卓识、独具商业慧眼的国际进口商和代理商牵手,我们品质优良的中央空调主机、空调器、风机盘管、SMC水箱板、玻镁风管等产品一定会在海外拥有广阔的市场。 We hope and believe that cooperation with the international famous importers and agencies will bring a brilliant market to Yatai fine products like